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Hair Wigs Care Tips: How to care for real human hair wigs

If you wear wigs, you know that it’s important to properly care for them. This is especially important if you have a real human hair wig. These wigs are not cheap and cannot be replaced easily. Therefore, it’s very important to understand how to care for them to maintain the longest life.

In this article, we’ll discuss how to wash, condition, style, and store your real human hair wig to ensure a long life. We’ll also cover some of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to these types of wigs that you forgot to ask at your wig shop.

How Often to Wash Human Hair Wig

Your real human hair wigs should be washed and conditioned every 6 to 8 wears. Since human hair needs additional moisture, you should use a deep conditioner every other wash. Also, it’s important that conditioner only be applied from mid-shaft to ends. Do not apply it to the base or cap, as that affects the integrity of the wig and may result in shedding. Make sure that you choose products formulated for color-treated hair and follow the instructions when using a deep conditioner/treatment.

If you plan to blow dry or heat-style, you should use oils and serums on the end or spray the wig with a heat protectant. You do not have to follow this routine specifically; you can use your discretion and adjust your routine as you need to.

Preparing your human hair wig

Using a wide-tooth comb or your fingers, carefully remove tangles. Start at the ends and slowly move towards the roots. Do not use a brush. If you have alopecia, having an un-mangled wig would significantly improve your mood.

Washing your human hair wig

Never soak/submerge your wig. Rinse by holding under cool running water, allowing it to run from roots to ends.

Get a small amount of shampoo formulated for color-treated hair on your hand and gently, evenly stroke it through your wig, starting at the roots and moving to the ends.

Rinse under cool, running water until the water runs clear. Gently squeeze to remove excess water- never twist/wring your wig.

Conditioning your human hair wig

Get a small amount of conditioner formulated for color-treated hair in your hand and very gently work it into the wig evenly, starting at midshaft and working your way to the end. You should never put conditioner on the base, as shedding may occur.

Allow conditioner to sit for 1 to 2 minutes or whatever the manufacturer states. You should not go over 3 to 5 minutes. Hold under cool, running water to rinse and gently squeeze or use a clean, dry towel to remove the excess water. Never twist/wring your wigs.

Place your wig on a stand until dry. Now, you can style your wigs it with your fingers as desired.

Styling your human hair wig

If you wish to heat-style your wig, you have a few options:

If you want to straighten it, take 1-inch sections and run a flat iron from root to tip

If you want to curl, wrap the hair around a curling iron and hold for 10 seconds before releasing.

If you want, you can use hairspray once you’re happy with your results.

Storing your human hair wig

Once you have your wig perfect, you can store it to preserve the work. If you want to keep it pristine, you should use a canvas block, Styrofoam head, or folding stand, as these keep the wig upright and unbothered.

Additional tips/tricks for your human hair wig

  • It’s important to note that human hair needs to be washed or rinsed prior to wearing- it cannot be worn out of the box. This is usually taken care of at your wig store.
  • Avoid using hot water, as that can dry out the hair and damage the cap. This is especially true for medical wigs.
  • Never dry on a solid form/mannequin head, this will stretch the cap. Instead, you should use a Styrofoam head or canvas bock.
  • Do not sleep, swim, or shower while wearing your wig
  • Store on a wig stand to avoid crimps or kinks
  • Lace wigs are delicate and should not be pulled or tugged on
  • Do not use a brush- your fingers or a wide-toothed comb are best
  • Have a professional do any cuts or chemical processes

Frequently Asked Questions for Real Human Hair Wigs

Below, we’ll explore some of the most frequently asked questions for real human hair wigs:

Can you use regular shampoo on human hair wigs?

Yes, it’s fine to use regular shampoo on your human hair wigs- but experts recommend that you use products made for color-treated hair. Keep in mind human hair wigs have been chemically treated and are not naturally moisturized like natural hair. Don’t use clarifying shampoos, as this strips the oils and another buildup from the hair, which causes dryness.

Can you use hot water to wash human hair wigs?

When you are washing your wig, it’s best to use cool water instead of hot. Ideally, lukewarm is best because it’s cool enough to protect the hair but warm enough to rinse any products that have been applied.

Which oil is best for your human hair wigs?

The ends of your human hair wigs are subjected to the most damage and a little extra The wigs amplify the natural tendency of your hair to split. TLC in the form of added moisture are a good idea. The most commonly used oils for hair are olive, jojoba, argan, and coconut oil. These are ideal for human hair wigs. When choosing a hair oil or cream, look for those ingredients and never place this product at the base of the wig.

What is the difference between regular shampoo and wig shampoo?

Shampoo that is formulated for synthetic wigs is light and gentle. These shampoos are formulated to clean/freshen your wig without stripping the fiber or hair. Typical human hair shampoos are made for natural hair and often have additional cleansing agents that remove product build-up as well as natural oils. You can use regular shampoo on your human hair wigs, but it’s important to condition it after to restore some of the lost oil.


Real human hair wigs are a major investment. Therefore, you want to do everything you can to ensure they last a long time. These tips can help you wash, condition, style, and store your human hair wig to ensure a long life.

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